Orientation 提到的图书馆资源相关笔记!

27 Jul 2020 Note

OSA Live Show - 图书馆相关

STUDENT ID - 借续书 打印 check lib cccount & renew NUSNET ID - 图书馆在线资源 eresources and services

bookstation 24h retrieval service Zone C: Central Library

TEL Imgainarium 有AR VR设备! 在Center Library

google scholar get full-text @NUS libraries proxybookmark - find NUS subscribe option


jam@nus.edu.sg / askalib@nus.edu.sg

Orientation 2020: Get a Headstart

Practical Essenticals

Digital Scholarship Library 也在 Center Library

Student Card to enter library.

Your library PIN can be retrieved via https://linc.nus.edu.sg/patroninfo/

Assignment Essenticals

assigned reading


get full-text NUS Libraries Proxy Bookmark to get free of charge

googlescholar settings -> libraries -> type and select nus -> get fulltext directly

Self-help & Reach out library guide

Cite to avoid plagiarizing zoterobib - citation software - can be accessd from browser

Reserch Skills Framework(RSF) search ‘NUS researcher unbound’ to get guideance

// quizizz 还蛮有意思的
